Music and Choir
Music is an integral part of the worship at St. John's . There is a capable four part adult choir who support the Sunday sung mass, and an extended four part choir who join the regular choir once a month and at festivals which enables more ambitious motets and anthems to be sung. There is also a junior choir for young choristers who learn the traditions of church music and follow the RSCM's "Voice for Life" course. The juniors sing approximately once a month or at festivals.
The repertoire of the choir is wide and varied and includes works by Bach, Byrd, Chilcott, Handel, Harris, Ireland, Rutter, Stainer, Stanford and Vaughan Williams. Hymns are selected from the Revised English Hymnal and accompanied by the organist on our very fine pipe organ.
New members are welcome, and should contact the Director of Music, Danny Smyth for more details.
The choir is available for weddings at St. John's.
September - December 2024 Provisional Music list